Dear Meat Eaters

As this semester comes to an end, the topic of veganism has been better known. With this being my final post, I have learned that the topic of veganism is not as prominent as it needs to be because millions of animals are being mistreated on a daily basis just to cater to society’s demand for meat. This topic is important because the rate of health related illnesses continue to rise. As time progresses, more information and health studies have proven how beneficial it is to be vegan. One of the most surprising things that I learned is that approximately 16 million people have decided to make the change by becoming vegan or vegetarian according to Nadine Watters from The Raw Food World. Many decide to make this change because they are becoming aware of how cruel the meat industry is to animals and one of the main reasons for many people to make the change is for ethical reasons.


(Earthlings Poster,

Directed by Shaun Monson, the film, Earthlings is one of the movies that creates a large impact on individuals because it reveals the reality of the meat industry. Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, a vegan and animal rights activist, this movie is one of the most violent and gruesome films that has ever been released. It really makes a stand and educates the viewer of how animals everywhere are mistreated.

This film starts out by defining what the word earthling means, which is “an inhabitant of the Earth.” It also introduces the five ways that animals serve for mankind, which includes being household pets, victims of scientific experiments, a form of entertainment, skinned alive for their fur or eaten to help sustain a human’s lifestyle. Throughout this movie, the viewer is introduced to the harsh practices taken on animals in order to cater to any of these five purposes mentioned previously. In the end, Phoenix reminds the viewer that “what goes around, comes around” and that animals do not get anything in return for all the pain and suffering that they experience. In addition, he also reminds the viewer that animals have the same rights to be here on Earth, just as humans do.


sad-pig(Pig in slaughterhouse,

Earthlings has such an impact on those who have not decided to transition to veganism because it opens their eyes and highlights how terrible the meat, dairy and egg industry is towards animals. For example, one of the ways that “meat animals” such as pigs get prepared for slaughter is by getting their tails, ears and teeth cut off when they are only a few days old. By doing this, it prevents the pigs from attacking each other, but as they mature, they end up resulting to cannibalism due to frustration and are more prone to diseases and abscesses. By showing the harsh conditions that these animals have to live in can make a large impact on the viewer’s eating choices. After watching this, Monson’s goal is to make meat eaters re-evaluate their choices and eventually decide to not support the industries.

In the future, I would like to see more people make the change and the consumption of meat to decrease everywhere. This is a possibility because many people are affected ethically if they see a creature suffering and it is possible that they would feel opted to make the change. If more people were aware of the how beneficial from a health standpoint veganism is, they would be more likely to make the change.


PSA: Go Vegan!


The topic that I choose to cover this past semester is veganism. Through my poster, I hope to attract an audience ranging from young adults to older parents; essentially anyone who does grocery shopping. The message that I am trying to imply throughout my poster is a feeling of happiness, feel sympathetic towards animals and assurance that going vegan is a good choice.

In order to make the audience feel sympathetic towards animals, I decided to insert a picture of a mother and its calf. This image relates to mothers everywhere because it shows the mother being extremely attached to its child. If looked at closely, you can see the sadness and desperation in the mother’s eyes as she grasps onto her baby. In addition, you can tell that the calf is reliant to the mother, just like any child. By using this specific image, it allows the audience to feel sympathetic towards the cow and its newborn. If the audience is sympathetic towards the cows, some of the audience may feel compelled to stop consuming dairy products, which would stop the support of the dairy industry. In addition to not eating animal products, they would feel a sense of happiness knowing that they are not contributing to an animal’s suffering.

Another way that I ensured happiness by going vegan is by inserting a picture of Yovana Mendoza, a popular vegan YouTuber commonly known as Rawvana. In this picture, it is shown that she is young, happy and healthy by making the decision to go vegan. There is a surplus of fruits and vegetables that imply that there are many options when it comes to going vegan. The colors of the fruits and vegetables are appealing and welcoming. It is also sunny in the background of this photo, which is also an implication that if you go vegan, it will bring you happiness and joy.

I also tried to make the audience feel sympathetic towards the animals by the first sentence of this poster. It is not even a question to most whether or not they love their mother and it helps relate the cows to humans. By doing this, it will make people rethink their decisions when it comes to the consumption of animal products. I made this sentence at the top of my poster so that it catches the audiences’ attention as well.

In order to assure the audience that going vegan is a good choice to make, I  used a mixture of muted greens. I decided to go with these colors because green represents peace and safety. One of the main reasons that vegans tend to make the change over to veganism is for the welfare of animals. They believe that there should be peace between humans and animals. In addition, safety is something that is guaranteed when a person transitions over to veganism. Safety is ensured for the animal because it is one less person consuming animal products. Also, a vegan can be considered “safe” from getting health-related illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high cholesterol if they continue eating a vegan diet.

My pictures were from Google Images.

Sad Cow:
